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Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The Challenge: A Year in Hair.

Yesterday I had an absolutely crazy idea.
Ok, it honestly might not seem that crazy to some (and others may argue that I should be locked up in a strappy white jacket...), but it will be a challenge!
I'm not setting foot in a hair salon for 365 days.
Three hundred, sixty five days.
Twelve months.
I've never been one for maintaining hair styles, 4 weeks just seems too often to visit my stylist. But every 8 weeks has always been doable for me.
I'm also sporadic with my hair colour. It's either a level 3 or a level 9, and no where in between. When I really start to think about it, I'm lucky to have any hair at all.
With out further ado, let's get to it.
Because I think it's a little bit funny. I also want to see how much growth I can get in a single year, and see my natural hair colour again (it's been 12 years). I'm also in the growing out phase currently, here's a photo of my inverted bob from March.
March 2014.
It was cute, but too high maintenance. I don't use much in the way of heat tools so damage should remain minimal.
My last hair cut was May 13, 2014. That means I am currently 44 days in and have 321 to go. My next trip to the hair salon will be May 13, 2015 (or later).
Day 1.

The rules.
1. No cutting my hair, by professional or otherwise, for one year.
2. No chemical treatments of any kind, by professional or otherwise, for one year.

Day 44.
Day 44.
I will be doing monthly updates on my adventure, so stay tuned!
xo, A

Friday, 20 June 2014

Faith Filled Fridays: Giving up.

I'm really not one for giving up. I'm all for giving it the "college try," or "giving it your all." Occasionally, taking the later a little too literally. Lately, I've really been noticing the toll that "giving everything I've got" is taking on me. Mentally, emotionally, relationally, you name it, it's suffering. I constantly find myself trying to be everything to everyone.
I am trying to be what I think everyone else expects me to be. Wait, what?
And then I realized that isn't even an expectation; it's a false belief that I've conjured up based (certainly incorrectly) on what I believe others think in relation to my actions. In other words, Satan.
I don't know about you, but when it's dark I turn on the lights. So it only makes sense that when I recognize the devil, I turn to God.
"Do not run until your feet are bare and your throat is dry. But you said, ‘It’s no use! I love foreign gods, and I must go after them.’" Jeremiah 2:25
In choosing to relentlessly pursue these earthly endeavors, I'm not only "running my feet bare," but also creating and worshiping false gods. Just like God doesn't require anything from us in exchange for His love, he also doesn't require us to work ourselves to our last breath to keep it.
Today I'm giving up. I'm no longer giving my whole self to anything but the pursuit of Christ. My prayer for you, is that you too, would find the courage to just give up. Amen.
Have a blessed and happy weekend friends!
xo, A

Monday, 16 June 2014

What I'm Loving: Blogs.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm going to start sharing more about myself, what I love, what I'm interested in, etc.. Eventually I plan to do a post all about me, but for now: the blogs I'm currently loving.
Home Décor/DIY:
This blog is AWESOME. It's filled with all things DIY - from lamps to planters to cupcakes.
The reason I'm in love: The indie nature of the blog is what left me head-over-heels.
This girl is totally adorable, both in cyberspace and in real life. She provides her take on the current fashion and beauty trends, as well as helpful advice and personal stories.
The reason I'm in love: The added touch of personalization makes me feel more comfortable with the writer, and thus, more likely to take her advice!
This blog was my biggest inspiration for starting my own! Jennifer shares her own walk with the Lord through her struggles, her triumphs and her family. This blog constantly provides me with "ah-ha" moments and the "warm and fuzzies."
The reason I'm in love: I can really relate to many of the things the author writes about. Not only that, her vulnerability is incredibly humbling and inviting.
Check out these awesome blogs and let me (and them) know what you think!
Be blessed!
xo, A

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Season’s change, and so do I.

With the season’s (finally) changing from spring to summer, I’ve decided also to adapt some changes of my own. While I am going to continue with Faith Filled Friday’s, I’m also going to start to add some other elements to the blog. You’ll be getting to know me a little more, what I’m up to, what I’m making, what I’m loving and who is currently inspiring me!

With that said, here’s a look at the month (or so) ahead!

HelloMorning’s is starting its next series on Acts! The study runs from June 16th to July 27th and you can sign up with a group here.

The Williams Lake Stampede is coming up July Long weekend (June 27th – 30th). With this being my first years as a director I am both excited and anxious for the big event! If you’re still looking for something to do with your family and friends for the July Long weekend, head on up to Williams Lake and take in the festivities!

Wedding season is upon us! I have two weddings this summer that I’m absolutely overjoyed to be able to attend! Two of my dearest friends are marrying kind, strong and God-loving men and I couldn’t be happier for them! In addition to that, I get to celebrate my first year of marriage with my own incredible husband!

My focus for this season is to share my heart more. Mark 12:30-31 says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” What greater way to love than to share what is in my own heart, both with God and with my neighbours?

Be blessed friends!
xo, A