The day has finally arrived; the second wedding of the summer! I'm so thrilled to be able to celebrate the love between two dear friends and God.
"Wives submit to your husbands as you do to the Lord." Ephesians 5:22
The act of submission is defined by Webster's Dictionary as "yielding to governance or authority." Personally, this definition causes me to put walls up. The "no one can tell me what to do, you're not the boss of me" walls. The truth is, this is a common misconception. Ignorance to the multiple definitions of the word submit, or submission, causes us to assume that the apostle Paul is conveying to us that we must obey our husbands as if we were slaves.
Submission, like love, has several different biblical definitions. The particular submission that Paul is talking about in this verse: Hupotasso. Hupotasso is a Greek word meaning "to yield to one's advice."
I've always viewed marriage as a sort of "team." Where challenges are met together, and evils are defeated by a united force. On any team you have a captain; the captain is the leader, and a good leader leads by example, they empower their teammates, sacrifice personal glory and advise. They don't enslave, or degrade, or suppress. A good teammate on the other hand respects their captain, they trust their judgment and likewise sacrifice personal glory.
When Paul tells us to submit to our husbands he isn't suggesting that we should become salves. He is encouraging us to trust, respect and sacrifice for them.
The love birds! Photo credit: Barnett Photography. |
My prayer this week is for the couple of the day! That they would always remember to submit humbly, through respect, trust and selfishness. That they would empower each other daily. That they would love, forgive and cherish one another always and fearlessly pursue God. That they would practice patience, both with each other and themselves and that they would grow with Christ at the center of their marriage. That they would keep their eyes on Him through all things, never looking outward. I pray every blessing on these two, forever and for always. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend friends! Check back for the wedding recap next week!
xo, A
Have a blessed weekend friends! Check back for the wedding recap next week!
xo, A
Great blog Amanda! I just read two great books talking about submission, I'll have to tell you about them on our coffee date!