There's a lot that goes on in life. Lately, I've noticed it's becoming harder and harder to "keep up." From full time work, to relationships, volunteer work, holidays, events... it's easy to get caught up in the day to day. What's important is where we take refuge; where we find peace.
My husband and I have been talking a lot lately about seeing God in the "mundane." God is where we find our peace, but so often we think that means time spent in deliberate prayer, time spend in God's word, or in fellowship ONLY. Those acts are obedient, they are God filled and they do bring peace! But God is present in everything we do; and because He is there with us always, we can always find peace in Him.
"The Lord with give strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace." - Psalms 29:11
Whether I am making dinner for myself, taking the dog for a walk, or working on a tedious project I wish would come to an end, I can find God and the peace I have in Him. It's in the sun that shines on my shoulders, my puppy's adorable grin, the fact that I have a job, the knowledge that God gives us only what we can handle.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the
world.” - John 16:33
Life can get terribly overwhelming, but when we slow down, and refocus, we can see that God is in everything we do.
My prayer this day is that we would all step back, that we would find those details that God shows Himself to us in daily. That we would see the "ordinary" ways that God reaches us. Amen.
Have a great weekend!
xo, A