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Friday, 19 September 2014

Faith Filled Fridays: Patience, Prayer, Persistence.

If you haven't been following along it won't take you long to catch up, the first two posts are here and here

After making the initial decision and overcoming the fear that came with; all I could do was leave things to God. I knew that He would provide for me. For the first time in my journey with Him I felt truly free. It was liberating to leave it all to Him. Worries evaporated. 

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12

I prayed. I thanked. I was patient. I was persistent.

It was difficult. I was unsure of what God wanted me to do. But maybe that was just it; maybe I wasn't supposed to do anything.

On the final day of my employment with the company I was leaving I received a call. A job opportunity that I thought had come and past was on the other end of the line. An interview I never thought would happen, fell into my lap. It took more prayer. It took more patience. If God didn't want me to do anything, should I pass up the chance?

This was the first time that I had received an oportunity at a position that I studied for. I took the interview. Within 3 hours I had received a call back. My heart raced. My hands sweat. And still I prayed. 

I. Got. The. Job.

All my patience; not just in those few weeks, but in the last year. Working jobs that didn't fit my education. Volunteering to get the experience I needed. Working four years to receive my degree. It had all come through in one giant blessing. 

It's safe to say my prayer life has been forever changed. God is so good. He is so faithful. He desires us. He desires relationships and conversations with us.

My prayer this day is that we all would be diligent in prayer. That we would be in constant conversation with our Creator, telling him our fears, sharing our thanks. Knowing that He is consistent, never changing. Amen.

Have a blessed weekend friends!

xo, A.


  1. Congrats on the job! I applied for that job, didn't get it. Was recently on the website seeing if they hired someone, wondering why I didn't get the job. Saw they hired, so I googled your name. I'm glad I did. Although God has let me know I am meant to move to WL to be close to my parents and to help them out, although I know God's hand was involved when I got the opportunity to interview - I didn't get the job and didn't understand why. This post answered the why. I didn't pray hard enough. I didn't want it as much as you. Its one thing to want something, but we are to do more than want. We are to pray and ask for God's help and blessing diligently.

    1. I would enjoy it very much if you sent me an email! Blessings, Amanda.
